The Mirror Glaze Recipe that has taken the world by storm has just hit Gretchen’s Vegan Bakery!
I just had to get on board with this one, since well….look at that beautiful shine!
Olga Noskova’s viral Instagram pictures of her fabulous mirror cakes have created such a buzz about this not so new technique.
Mirror glazing has been around for decades (yep, I learned this way back when I was a youngin at the good ol’ Culinary Institute of America!)
However this is a slightly different recipe that has been trending and I have to say~ I LOVE IT!
So thanks to whoever shared this recipe (since Olga is keeping her exact recipe under tight lock and key) it is pretty much the same recipe I have seen being passed around the “net” which includes sweetened condensed milk and gelatin.
Now for the best news of all! I HAVE A VEGAN VERSION FOR YOU!!
Yes that’s right~ Agar to the rescue.
Mirror glaze for everyone!! Wooohooo!
Ok, so in addition to the mirror glaze recipe I have also created a new mousse dessert, the Chocolate Coffee Raspberry Mousse Bombe.
I originally created that recipe BEFORE I transitioned to full vegan, so the video below is showing both vegan & non vegan recipes.
But don’t be confused ~ if you are here simply for the Mirror Glaze recipe, just grab it below and you can skip forward to 7:42 minutes for the Agar version.
The mousse shown in that video was NOT VEGAN! But I do have a VEGAN MOUSSE RECIPE HERE! (and video and recipe below as well)
Sorry to make you go back and forward, but this video from 2 years ago is really a good tutorial and I haven’t had a chance to make a new one!
But I know, I know.. I really should! (and I will!)
Just scroll down to the second recipe for the vegan mousse and in that video I am using a vegan mirror glaze as well, but with dark chocolate (which can easily be subbed in for vegan white chocolate and then colored)
It’s a bit of a project, but with some organization I will have you making these professional style Mousse Bombes in no time!
- Vegan White Chocolate 8 ounces (220g)
- Vegan Coconut Sweetened Condensed Milk ½ cup (140g)
- Granulated Sugar 1 cup (200g)
- Corn Syrup ¾ cup (245g)
- Cold Water 7 tablespoons (100ml)
- HOT Water ½ cup (120ml)
- Powdered Agar 4 teaspoons (16g)
- Bloom agar in the HOT water (120ml), let stand 5 minutes
- Combine the corn syrup, the other measure of COLD water (100ml) and the sugar in a heavy bottom sauce pot and get it warmed to at least 150°F add the bloomed agar and bring to a boil.
- Allow it to boil rapidly for 1 minute, then remove from the heat and add the condensed milk and whisk smooth
- Pour the entire hot mixture over the chocolate and whisk smooth
- Pour through a strainer into a clean container and color as you like.
- Pour over cakes & pastries once it has cooled to 80 or 90°F
- For the Hazelnut Mousse
- ½ cup Hazelnut Butter (recipe follows) or store bought
- Vegan Milk Chocolate 5 ounces (140g)
- Vegan Semi Sweet Chocolate 4 ounces (113g)
- Almond Milk ½ cup (120ml)
- 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder (24g)
- 2 cans full fat coconut milk refrigerated overnight
- Prepare the mousse by melting both chocolates together over a double boiler or in the microwave.
- Add the cocoa powder and the almond milk and whisk smooth
- Add the hazelnut butter to the chocolate mixture then whisk smooth
- Open the cold cans of coconut milk and skim the fat from the tops (discard the coconut water that remains or reserve it for another recipe)
- Whip the coconut fat to stiff peaks then fold it into the chocolate mixture
- Portion the mousse into the silicone molds or a cake ring lined with acetate cake strips for easy removal.
- Refrigerate or freeze the mousse until you prepare the mirror glaze recipe then glaze as shown in the video

too cool.
I’m going to be brave and try this!!
This is so great!! I was wondering if you think this is a recipe that will keep well out of the fridge? I mean to use it on wedding cake(over fondan or over a ganache) for wedding cakes that are to be kept on display for a big part of the big day? Thanks a mil if you get a chance to get back to me! Love ur website and your recipes! <3
hi Thanks! yes totally fine not refrigerated! I wouldn’t do it for longer than an entire day though- just because whatever you are covering it with, may not like to be out of the fridge that long?
Can you replace white chocolate with cocoa butter?
Is it possible to substitute golden syrup for corn syrup in the vegan mirror glaze?
Hi Gretchen, this is lovely! Would I be able to replace the corn syrup with anything else? Where I am, it’s not really something you can find in regular stores… Thanks!
Can you get glucose syrup? (that is essentially the same thing) CLICK HERE for more
When I search for agar agar it recommends vege-gel – would that work in this or would it have to be agar agar?
Also can you add food colour? My teenager is after black then rainbow drips lol
Im not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure it is the same. Most people recently have been saying “veg Gelatin” when they refer to agar (which I think is dumb and misleading, since it is just called agar, why not just call it that!? LOL) But anyway- yes to color no problems there
Thank you so much for this recipe. I’m not a huge fan of vegan white chocolate. Does the taste come through a lot? Do you think I could substitute with cocoa butter?
I have not tried it with straight cocoa butter, but that said, I am also NOT a fan of white chocolate. I do not taste it at all though
Thank you so much for the vegan mirror glaze recipe! I’m using it to cover a cake board before putting a cake on it, so you think it would last OK for around 48 hours? It doesn’t fit in my fridge either lol.
yes will be fine at room temp! (Just not hot humid!)
I need to make a gold cake and was thinking of using a mirror glaze mixed with metallic gold food coloring.
However I have to glaze it two days in advance. Can I refrigerate it that long? (I figure as long as it shimmers I can sacrifice the shine.)
BTW your vegetarian glaze recipe is a Godsend! Thank you!
Hi Thanks!! I am not sure how it will go adding so much gold to this, as I imagine you will need quite alot to get it to be true gold. I would try it with a small portion (so as not to waste a whole recipe + jar of gold) then let it sit on a small cupcake or something for those two days. I always make small tests before doing anything on the final cake, just to make sure!!
Hi, Gretchen
I realize this is an old post but I’ve found it today only… I was searching for agar and mirror glazes, without having any idea if it was doable, so I am thrilled that you did all the work with it!
I do regular mirror glaze quite often, and usually love the look but don’t care for the texture, particularly if the cake needs to sit for a while as people slice it over a period of a couple of hours. Can you tell me if the agar slices more cleanly? Also, do you detect any less shine in the glaze made with agar agar? how about adding a small proportion of agar to a mostly gelatin glaze? (I realize you are now vegan so that is not something you would be interested, but perhaps you have some intuition about it?)
thank you so much
HI, While yes this is an older post and I will be honest I have not made it in almost this long!! But what I remember was the shine did go after a day or so, and was worse (for both versions) after being refrigerates since the condensation upon taking it from cold to warmer room caused some clouding.
But overall it was not drastic.
As for the slicing, I found it to be same texture as the gelatin version
Not sure about doing the mix, since correct, I won’t mess with gelatin anymore.
thank you so much! I will use agar next time for sure – the cakes never last two days anyway…
thank you for replying, really appreciate it
Hi, this is an old post but I was wondering if the flavour of the coconut came through a lot as I’m not a huge fan of the flavour – if so are there any substitutes I could use?
There was no coconut flavor whatsoever in this final recipe. You could make your won sweetened condensed milk from another plant milk (I think… just google that)
Will this recipe cover a 3-layer 9 inch cake?
Yes, Just squeak by….
Hi Gretchen,
Do you still have the non vegan chocolate coffee mousse recipe written on your website. I see it in the video but wanted to know if there’s a written version with all the quantities.
Thanks a ton!
Hi Sorry, No I have deleted my NON vegan blog/recipes.
Alright. Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it.
Hi Gretchen! I am so enthuziast to make a vegan mirror glaze for a strawberry sponge cake , using your Aquafaba Swiss cream(as icing) , mirror glaze and vanilla custard, whipped cream and fresh strawberry filling but I really need to know if I can replace the corn syrup in the mirror glaze recipe with golden syrup? I am in UK and golden syrup is more affordable than glucose syrup. Thank you. I will come back with opinions. Is my first build on vegan cake.
Hi! Oh yummm that sounds sooo amazing! YES to golden syup
Hi Gretchen.. I want to try mousse cake with a raspberry layer. I am not able to find the ingredient list anywhere to make raspberry jelly. Could you please guide. Thanks.
Hi Renu! We are commenting in the Mirror Glaze Recipe though, so I think you are talking about THIS RECIPE FOR RASPBERRY MOUSSE CAKE
If you notice in that recipe I list raspberry jam as **optional ingredient – so that means you can leave it out with no changes to the recipe
Hi there!
I’m looking to make a mirror glaze and came across your recipe. I have a question. I see that in the recipe it states that i need to add tbe agar agar powder to hot water and let bloom. Do i mix it in the hot water and let it sit there for 5 minutes or sprinkle it on top of the water and let it sit for 5 minutes?
Also, i was watching the video and it looks like you’re cooking the water and agar agar in a pan. Is this after you let it bloom for 5 minutes? You add it to a pan and cook it? And do you cook it on lower, medium or high heat?
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Raisa, CLICK HERE FOR THE UPDATED recipe for mirror glaze, much easier!
I’m a Pastry Chef with some experience in the non- vegan version of these kinds of cherry chocolate mousse bombs/ cakes. I have loved the results and the texture of the ones I made for the restaurant and I wanted to make a vegan version. I undertook this no less than 4 hour project and I am super disappointed with the results, my glaze cakes went matte after just an hour in the fridge. Is there a way around this? I made my own condensed coconut milk and it was at perfect consistency, as was the glaze when I was dropping it on, it felt very similar to the traditional recipe for mirror glaze.
Hey Jodi, I’m sorry that happened! How frustrating, This was my original mirror glaze from several years ago, and I have an updated version here using a strawberry couverture and I got equally great shiny results.
So I can’t say it’s the vegan chocoalte you used. Typically I use King David which is a compound chocolate not even couverture- and it works.
I know mine got less shiny after a day or so in the refrigerator that’s for sure & a high humidity fridge will definitely do that faster.
Hi there! I want to make a regular chocolate glaze instead of using white chocolate. Can I sub dark chocolate in your first recipe listed and it turn out the same?